Such a Little Time

As foster parents, my husband and I said goodbye to 10 children that we loved. One of them we had for the first 16 months of his life. When he went up for adoption, he was supposed to be ours, but in the end he was given to another family. But that is a story for another time. The poem below is written for him. It won first prize in the Blue Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference Foundation awards in 2021.

You came a little baby so peaceful and so sweet.

Hardly any move you made with those tiny hands and feet.

I cradled you that first day, so glad God made you mine.

However, I did not know, it was for such a little time.

I watched you grow and loved you, and rocked you in my arms

I nurtured and protected you and kept you from all harm.

I prayed to God that you would stay, He told me you’d be mine.

However, I did not know, it was for such a little time.

One day I had to say goodbye, it was the hardest thing to do.

Now all I have are memories to keep me close to you.

I thought I had forever to love this child of mine

However, I did not know I had such a little time.

God sent you as an answered prayer and then He took you away

I’m just thankful for the chance to have known you for one day

I know someday in eternity you will be by my side

And the days we have spent apart will seem like such a little time.