• Such a Little Time

    As foster parents, my husband and I said goodbye to 10 children that we loved. One of them we had for the first 16 months of his life. When he went up for adoption, he was supposed to be ours, but in the end he was given to another family. But that is a story…

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  • Suck it Up, Buttercup

    I once had a fear of needles. This fear lasted until I was twenty-three. This was not just a small fear; it caused me to scream, squirm, and have panic attacks any time a needle came within five feet of my body. Honestly, it was quite embarrassing. “God, please take away my fear of needles,”…

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  • Why Not?

    If I were to ask you what events or experiences changed your life forever, you might say the death of a loved one; the birth of a baby; a graduation; a milestone birthday; a newscast. A newscast? Most likely you wouldn’t, but I would. It was in 1992. My husband, Rick, and I turned on…

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    You’re Welcome!

    Is there something that absolutely drives you crazy? I hope so. That would mean that I am not alone. The source of my irritation might sound petty to you, and I admit that it sort of is. But it grates on my nerves! However, after researching the topic for this blog, I found out that…

    Read More: You’re Welcome!
  • To Blog, or Not to Blog

    To blog or not to blog; that has been my question for the past few years. As a victim of self-doubt, both in my writing ability and in having anything important to say, I have avoided and procrastinated. But, due to a blogging Challenge initiated by one of my online writer’s groups, here I am…

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Sandra J Bunch

Welcome! I pray that the words I write will bless you and cause you to think deeply about your relationship with Christ and recognize the grace He has imparted to you every moment of every day.

My husband, Rick, and I have been married for 34 years and have lived in the St. Louis area for most of that time. Currently, we are empty nesters who are allowed to share a house with two cats, Yeti and Teddy.

We are parents to two daughters and grandparents to twelve, 10 kids and 2 dogs.

I am a middle school teacher. I teach 6th grade English and Reading and 7th/8th grade English, Reading, and History. I enjoy leading my students to create their own worlds and characters.

I enjoy writing, God’s creation, birds, and cats.

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